10 De sydøstasiatiske nationer udfordrer dollardominansen med push for lokale valutaer

The leaders of 10 Southeast Asian nations, members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), have agreed toencourage the use of local currencies for economic and financial transactions.The group comprises Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesien, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Filippinerne, Singapore,…

Rusland lancerer betalingssystem med 'ingen begrænsninger' - digitale valutaer skal være fuldstændig ubegrænsede

Russia is launching a new payment system that is “bound by no restrictions” where digital currencies could be used in cross-border payments, said Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov. “Two parties come to an agreement, make settlement payments, and no other country

Jeffrey Tucker siger, at dollar vil blive detroniseret, Russisk embedsmand taler om de-dollarisering, og et kig på Historic Fractional Reserve Banking i Italien — Uge i gennemgang

Bitcoin proponents eyeing fiat failures are in no shortage of news on the topic as of late, as multiple officials, økonomer, authors, and analysts from around the world have been weighing in onde-dollarizationin a prolific fashion. Author and libertarian

Brasiliens præsident Lula opfordrer udviklingslandene til at opgive dollar som global reservevaluta

Ifølge Brasiliens præsident Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, udviklingslande bør opgive USA. dollar og styrke deres egne nationale valutaer. Under en tale i New Development Bank i Shanghai, Lula udtrykte sin natlige grubleri: “Hvorfor gør alle lande…

Den indiske regering besvarer spørgsmål om krypto-legalisering, Forebyggelse af svindel

The Indian government has responded to parliamentary questions about the legalization of cryptocurrency and the steps it has taken to prevent crypto-related fraud. “Crypto assets are currently unregulated in India. Frauds relating to crypto are dealt with under extant laws against

Kina er klar til at tale Asian Monetary Fund for at reducere dollarafhængigheden, siger Malaysia

An idea to establish an Asian Monetary Fund has caught the attention of the Chinese leadership, the head of the Malaysian government revealed. The prime minister believes there is no reason for his country, which is hurting from a strong U.S….

Nasdaq sigter mod at lancere Crypto Custody Services i andet kvartal

Nasdaq har til hensigt at lancere sine depottjenester for digitale aktiver som bitcoin inden udgangen af ​​dette år’s andet kvartal. Børsoperatøren er blandt de traditionelle finansielle virksomheder, der ønsker at spille en rolle som mellemmænd i kryptosektoren…

Putin, Xi lover at bruge Yuan, når Rusland og Kina flytter til bosættelser i nationale valutaer

As part of the talks that Russian president Vladimir Putin and Chinese president Xi Jinping are currently conducting in Russia, Russia has vowed to move to use the Chinese yuan as a settlement currency with countries in Asia, Afrika, and Latam….

Ekstrem markedsturbulens: Kritikere kalder Warrens Silvergate Take 'Frygteligt misinformeret,' SVB kollapser, Vitaliks token-sell-off flytter markederne, og mere — Uge i gennemgang

Det har været en turbulent uge i finanssektoren, hvor den såkaldt kryptovenlige Silvergate Bank annoncerede sin likvidation, OS. Senator Elizabeth Warren giver begivenheden skylden “kryptorisiko,” og enkeltpersoner på sociale medier, der påpeger, at Warren er “frygtelig fejlinformeret.” Derudover, OS. Regulatorer…